Brian Webb & Gary James Joynes
In 2015 Brian Webb experienced Broken Sound an installation by Gary James Joynes at dc3 Art Projects. He was moved deeply by the work and approached Joynes with a propsition to have the installation adapted for a live performance duo collaboration. Broken Sound2 (Squared) was staged in 2016 at the TIMMS Ccenter for the Arts and Webb and Joynes have been collaborating ever since. Currently they have developed and staged 3 major dance and music works with Joynes composing and performing live with the BWDC ensembles that Brian has choreographed for the works.
Joshua Tree
Performed at the Triffo Theatre, MacEwan University, Edmonton, Canada
June 22 & 23, 2023
Brian Webb: Choreography, Live Dancer & Storytelling
Gary James Joynes: Live Modular Synthesizer Music, Vocals, Live Stage Vocal Mixing and Sound Design
Deepak Paramashivan: Live Vocals and Sarangi
Brad Necyk: Video Enviroments from Joshua Tree & Kingdom Of Illumination
Dance Ensemble: Brian Webb, Lin Snelling, Piet Defraeye, Deepak Paramashivan
Lighting Design: Dorrie Deutschendorf
Beth Graham: Dramaturg
Brian Webb, Brad Necyk and Gary James Joynes began working on an original dance performance in late-2019. Their research has been supported by the Canada Council for the Arts, and the work premiered in June 2023 in Bangalore, India and then in the summer of 2023 in Edmonton, Alberta.
“In JOSHUA TREE, there are no boundaries. The work we have created fuses dance, theatre, music and visual art! A fresh outlook of interdisciplinary performance. I’m very excited for you to experience it.” – Brian Webb
(2019) Performed at the Triffo Theatre, MacEwan University, Edmonton, Canada
Brian Webb: Choreography, Live Dance & Storytelling
Gary James Joynes: Live Modular Synthesizer Music, Vocals, Live Stage Vocal Mixing and Sound Design
Dance Ensemble and Storytellers: Brian Webb, Lin Snelling, Nancy Sandercock, Ben Gorodetsky, Brennan Campbell
Lighting Design: Dorrie Deutschendorf
Liminal – that state of neither here nor there, of the in between, is an intersection of live performance and new technologies in sound creation. Six performers, including Brian, joined Gary in a celebration of dance, storytelling and singing all shaped by electronic sound creation and mixing.
Broken Sound2 (Squared)
(2016) Performed at the TIMMS Center for the Arts, Edmonton, Canada
Brian Webb: Choreography, Live Dancer & Storytelling
Gary James Joynes: Live AV Performance, Sound and Music & Storytelling
As the audience made their way up onto the stage for Broken Sound2 they found their seats in an oval on the periphery of the stage. Once settled the large stage curtain fell and the audience was suddenly closed in and became a part of an intimate conversation between Brian and Gary. The piece began with Brian and Gary telling stories of their recent experiences visiting their Mothers in hospice both facing end of life. The essence of Joynes’ Broken Sound explores the absence of sound as a physical state representing pauses in our lives and in the cyclical nature of life. In Broken Sound2 Gary and Brian expanded on the metaphor of the wire breaking. The work morphed from the intimnate storytelling into a live version of the original Broken Sound where Gary now triggered and played the 4-channel visuals and soundscore and adding live vocals. As the piece rose towards its crescendo Brian danced and moved through the work towards its end when Gary rose and walked towards Brian coming together in a soul-felt hug… annnnd scene!